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Chapter 4: Types of Gutter protection on the Market Today

Low Profile Mount Systems

Low profile mount systems have many advantages over other metal dome systems and are the preferred system for many homeowners. These systems mount by fastening under the shingles and mounting directly to the lip of the gutter. Since the system follows the contour of the roof, it may be virtually invisible. These systems are easy to install and don't have the issues with "All In One” or "Bracket Systems”.

Waterflow animation Higher end low profile mount systems incorporate a protective flashing on the roof. The screws holding the panels to the flashing are floated to allow room for expansion and contraction. The rippling effect which curses the majority of metal dome systems is avoided in this manner. A kynar finish is used to inhibit fading and chalking. High end low profile mounts are more expensive but they tend to work better and don't take away from the curb appeal of the home. Higher end systems usually require training at a manufacturer certification center which provides classroom and practical application.

Cheaper systems don't use a protective flashing and have a baked-on enamel that fades within 2-5 years. Curb appeal of the home is lost relatively soon due to rippling of panels and the two-tone effect from chalking and fading of the finish. These systems are prone to improper installation due to little or no training. The easy mount is a temptation to forgo training. The training usually occurs on your home at your expense.

Bottom Line: Low Profile mounts are easy to install and are almost invisible on the home. Higher end products will use a protective flashing, incorporate a Kynar finish, and require certified installers that have gone through training at the factory.

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