"Suburban Construction recently installed new siding & windows on our home. The job was completed as promised, and all old materials were cleaned up promptly. We would recommend Suburban to a... » more
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Chapter 2: Clogged Gutters & Basement Flooding

Why You Need Gutter Protection

Photo of a gutter capPurchasing gutter protection should be an easy and comfortable process, one that you as the buyer feel in control of. To do this I need to explain some of the most common reasons to look into the purchase of gutter protection

What Gutters do for you is control moisture around your home. Here is a brief run through on problems most commonly associated with moisture problems, problems easily avoided with a functioning gutter system.

Clogged Gutters are One of the Leading Causes of Basement Flooding

Clogged gutters can cause serious issues with your drainage system. If the gutters are clogged, water will overflow next to the foundation instead of being shunted away from the home through the downspout. The grading next to the home may not slope enough to drain the water away from the home, or worse, the water may flow towards the house. Houses over time do sink somewhat, so with older home there is going to be Backward Grade going towards the home. A common problem is excess water collecting next to the foundation and seeping through Cracks in the Concrete. Water can also build up in the window well and Burst through the Basement Windows. Either problem is going to cause significant damage and a major inconvenience to the homeowner.

Debris falls throughout the course of the year. In order to keep a gutter system free flowing, you need to clean out the system at least four times a year to account for the cycle of debris falling.

Bottom Line: Whether you elect to install gutter protection or clean your gutters four times a year, a clean free-flowing gutter system will prevent expansive damage to your home from basement flooding.

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