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Chapter 2: Clogged Gutters & Basement Flooding

Clogged Gutters Attract Insect Pests

Up until recently gutters were not very popular in the south due to lack of basements and foundations. Now the south is one of the most lucrative areas for gutter sales. Why, because homeowners have realized that water next to a home on a slab will cause problems with moisture. There is some issues with rotted wood and mold, but the biggest problem is insect pests. Moisture attracts termites and carpenter ants. These pests can wreak havoc on a wood home. Consumer awareness has made gutters a necessity.

Gutters do carry a cost with them and that is they get clogged and attract another insect pest, the mosquito. Mosquitoes only need a thimble full of water to breed. Mosquitoes don't migrate more than 200 feet away from breeding grounds. Hence if you have standing water in your clogged gutters, you are creating a favorable habitat for a very irritating pest. Not only are mosquito bites irritating, but there is also the threat of West Nile which can be very serious to young children and older adults.

Bottom Line: Clogged gutters will create a safe haven for various insect pests that can do extensive damage to your home or cause a serious health threat. Least of the problems will be creating a habitat for mosquitoes to chase you into the house when you'd rather be relaxing outside.

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