"Suburban Construction recently installed new siding, windows and doors on our home. The quality of Suburban's products are excellent. I would refer them to anyone – they have always done an excel... » more
- Les and Kathy Hudnall of Coyne Center, Illinois

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Fabric Warranty   

This limited warranty protects the purchaser should the fabric become unserviceable due to a manufacturing defect resulting in color or strength loss from normal usage and exposure conditions, including sunlight, mildew and atmospheric chemicals. The limited warranty coverage period is from the date of sale. This limited warranty covers awning fabric from the 685, 1433, 1434, 1254 and 119 Series only. Other fabrics that may be selected are covered in accordance with the warranty offered by the fabric manufacturer. This limited warranty does not cover normal fabric care and cleaning; damage from misuse, abuse, or improper installation; or costs associated with replacement of the fabric, including labor and installation. Craft-Bilt’s liability is expressly limited to this warranty and reserves the right to inspect the fabric submitted for claim. Craft-Bilt Manufacturing Company will supply new equivalent fabric to replace the fabric that becomes unserviceable due to a manufacturing defect.   

 Lifetime Warranty: The Gore™ Tenara® sewing thread will not be damaged by exposure to sunlight or water for the life of the fabric warranty.   

 Lifetime Warranty: Ultrasonic welded and glued seams will not be damaged by exposure to sunlight or water for the life of the fabric warranty.   

 685 Series Fabric - 12 Year Warranty: In the first eight (8) years of the warranty period, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at no cost. During the ninth (9th) year, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at the then-current selling price, less a 30% discount. During the tenth, eleventh and twelfth years (10th, 11th and 12th), Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at the then-current selling price, less a 15% discount. Replacement fabric is warranted under the remaining term of the original warranty.    

119 Series Fabric - 10 Year Warranty: In the first eight (8) years of the warranty period, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at no cost. During the ninth (9th) year, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at the then-current selling price, lessa 30% discount. During the tenth(10th) year Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at the then-current selling price, less a 15% discount. Replacement fabric is warranted under the remaining term of the original warranty.    

1433 Series Fabric - 6 Year Warranty: In the first six (6) years of the warranty period, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at no cost. Replacement fabric is warranted under the remaining term of the original warranty.   

 1434 Series Fabric - 5 Year Warranty:  In the first five (5) years of the warranty period, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at no cost. Replacement fabric is warranted under the remaining term of the original warranty.   

 1254 Series Fabric - 5 Year Warranty:  In the first five (5) years of the warranty period, Craft-Bilt will provide replacement fabric to the purchaser at no cost. Replacement fabric is warranted under the remaining term of the original warranty.