"I would recommend Suburban Construction to anyone else who needs new windows, siding, or doors. Very impressed!" » more
- Sheila M. Ven Huizen of Fulton, Illinois

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Fiber Classic Options

Meet the very first fiberglass front door-the door that revolutionized an industry. Therma-Tru's Fiber-Classic doors changed how doors are made, and leads the standard for all fiberglass entry doors on the market today.
Our original vision was an entry door that would not crack, split, splinter, or warp like wood. The result? Our patented fiberglass entry door that's durable, stylish, economical, and most preferred by builders and remodelers.

Fiber-Classic has the warm, rich look of hardwood, with all of the advantages of Therma-Tru fiberglass.

Stronger for more Durable Performance

All the components of a Fiber-Classicâ„¢ doors system are designed to work together, trouble-free. Quality materials and precision engineering help ensure Therma-Tru fiberglass entryways give you the best in performance, safety and weather-resistance, year-after-year.

Choose from a wide range of door styles, plus many decorative glass options, sidelites and transoms too, and create a one-of-a-kind look for your home.

Choosing the Perfect Entry Way
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Why do Entry Doors Seem to Cost so Much